IHSI Conference aims to provide a global forum for presenting and discussing novel approaches, design tools, methodologies, techniques, and solutions for integrating people, intelligent technologies and automation, and artificial cognitive systems in all areas of human endeavor in industry, economy, government, and education, including but not limited to energy, transportation, urbanization and infrastructure development, digital manufacturing, social development, human health, sustainability, new generation of service systems, as well as safety, risk assurance, autonomy, and cybersecurity in both civilian and military contexts.
IHSI Conference focus on advancing the theory and applications of artificial cognitive systems and human-artificial systems collaboration by adopting a hybrid-centered design approach that utilizes and expands on the current knowledge of human-centered design and intelligent systems supported by cognitive software and engineering, smart data analytics, large scale socioeconomic simulations, and next generation computer visualization. This interdisciplinary conference will also expand the boundaries of the current state-of-the-art by investigating the pervasive complexity that underlies the most profound problems facing contemporary society today.
Disruptive technology is an innovation that significantly alters established industries and markets, creating new sectors and business models. An innovation that radically changes the way the market is structured and how products and services are consumed. Technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous systems and quantum technologies are changing the world, and the way it operates. These and other emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs) present both risks and opportunities for countries. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by three independent referees from the International Editorial Board. Papers in the theoretical category should deal with theories, models, concepts, and structures; papers in the generic category should present research results of broad applicability; and papers in the applied category should show how research is translated into technological innovations for intelligent human-artificial systems collaboration.
Harvard Business School professor and business consultant,
Clayton Christensen, coined the term “disruptive innovation”
in the magazine Harvard Business Review back in 1995. For
Christensen, technology that causes a relevant change and
abruptly interrupts the way in which industries, companies, and
consumers operate constitutes a disruptive innovation. This
process represents a period of adaption such as what we are
experiencing with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, marked by
digitalization and emerging technological advances. For more
information please visit this page
EDT Topics covered in this conference: artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning, advanced virtual
reality, nanotechnology, autonomous systems, quantum
technologies, biotechnology and human enhancement
technologies, space, hypersonic systems, novel materials and
manufacturing, energy and propulsion, next-generation
communications networks.
Automotive design is the Human- Centred Design (HCD) development and refinement of the exteriors and interiors of automobiles, sport utility vehicles (SUVs), luxury cars, high performance cars and, to a lesser extent, motorcycles, trucks, buses, coaches, and vans.The conference also covers, in dedicated sessions, various topics of Autonomous and self-driving Vehicle and Artificial Intelligence to address the challenges and opportunities of developing AI and software platforms for autonomous and self-driving vehicles. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
The term of
Human-Autonomy Teaming (HAT) describes systems
in which humans work with highly automated
agents. Traditionally exclusively owned by the
human, higher cognitive capabilities (e.g.,
situation assessment, planning, and
decision-making) are now becoming an integral
part of automated functions. The more capable
suchlike agents become, the more essential the
challenging issue of human-system functional
allocation and integration turns out to be. This
conference track shall address the issues of
conceptual design, integration, and evaluation
of HAT-systems. Design patterns for human-agent
cooperation shall be investigated.
Topics of interest:
a. Adaptive Automation
b. Artificial Intelligent Agents
c. Delegation Systems
d. Human Mental State Estimation and Modelling
e. Mixed-Initiative Planning and Operation
f. Multi-Agent Systems
g. Operator Assistance
h. Teams and Swarms
i. Trust and Situation Awareness
j. Unmanned Systems
IHSI Applications and
Future Trends track will focus on key research
topics that are aligned with the concept of
Human System Integration. Topics of interest
include but are not limited to:
a. Visualizations to reveal system operation
b. Interface design for human control
c. Modular design and support for continuous
system improvements
d. Systematic logging to support retrospective
analyses of failures
e. Mechanism to enable reports of failures and
f. Continuous participation of experts to
support improvements
g. Clarification of responsibility for failures
and successes
h. Algorithmic accountability and transparency
i. Ethical concerns and considerations
Department of Architecture
"Enzo Ferrari" Department of Engineering
University Medical Center
CPMTESSA - Core Competence Center For Operations Research
FIPU - Faculty of Informatics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Design
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Engineering